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K&M PRECISION Arbor Press with Low Force Pack

  • Brand: K&M Precision
  • Model Code: ABPRESSRH-FP50
  • Availability: 10

K&M Precision Arbor Press is the most popular arbor press for precision reloaders. This rugged arbor press is used with inline bullet seating and neck sizing dies. It’s perfect for use at your home loading bench or at the range.

You can achieve consistency and accuracy with the ability to “feel” the bullet as it is seated into the case neck. This is incredibly important for the best results. Our newly designed toggle link arbor press has a very smooth and much-improved feel to provide the reloader that critical sensitive feedback. Compact size allows for use on your loading bench or at the range. Mounting holes are provided in the base as an option to hard mount to your loading bench.

For determining the correct force pack to use, the decision point between the standard force pack and the low force pack is based on the neck tension that the neck has been sized for. The typical rule of thumb for the use of the low force pack is neck tensions of .0015-.002” or less. The scale on the low force pack is 0-50lbs. Therefore, when seating with light neck tensions you will have better resolution for lower force readings.

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